Last updated on: Dec. 7, 2020, 4:15 a.m.

In the modern global and interconnected world even people with relatively modest financial standing can own assets in different countries and in different currencies. This can take the form of a small investment in the stock markets abroad, or even holiday villa somewhere far away, warm and cheap. Keeping track of these investments is as important as of the domestic ones. This is why we provide easy tools to manage currencies.

Your profile specifies the “display currency” - that is the currency, that we will use to present you the balances and the results of calculations. We will do the conversion for you. Each asset, liability, income or expense are expressed in a currency, and they all can be different. You can add a USD-denominated account, a pound-based one or even use Indonesian rupiah. Groups also have currencies defined. These are used for presenting the total of all of that group’s children.

Conversions are done based on the prevailing rates on that day. Often currencies fluctuate, so the results might be slightly off. Since no transactions are actually taking place, this is of no significance.